Social Project

At BoraMedic, we aim to provide you with close medical care and comprehensive support throughout your medical process. For this reason, we have a Social Project department.

Personal Awareness and Prevention

We promote personal awareness and disease prevention.

Our mission is to ensure that every user, patient, and their loved ones have access to good medical guidance, receiving the necessary help on their journey toward better health and well-being.

Proyecto social

What we can do for you

Promotion of Social Responsibility

We promote and coordinate social responsibility initiatives to identify and engage in projects that benefit the community and improve quality of life.

Community Relations

We maintain close ties with users and patients through effective communication, participating in community events, and promoting preventive health.

Participation in Supportive Actions

We promote supportive actions to help vulnerable or emergency groups, including volunteering, solidarity campaigns, and humanitarian projects.

Awareness and Education

We promote healthy lifestyles to prevent diseases and ensure equitable access to medical care for everyone.

Management of Financial Aid

We manage financial aid for those facing financial difficulties in accessing necessary health treatments, offering comprehensive advice.

Healing is Being Beautiful

Responsabilidad social
Promotion of Social Responsibility

We promote and coordinate social responsibility initiatives to identify and engage in projects that benefit the community and improve quality of life.

Relaciones de la comunidad
Community Relations

We maintain close ties with users and patients through effective communication, participating in community events, and promoting preventive health.

Participación en acciones solidarias
Participation in Supportive Actions

We promote supportive actions to help vulnerable or emergency groups, including volunteering, solidarity campaigns, and humanitarian projects.

Sensibilización y concientización​
Awareness and Education

We promote healthy lifestyles to prevent diseases and ensure equitable access to medical care for everyone.

Gestión de ayudas económicas​
Management of Financial Aid

We manage financial aid for those facing financial difficulties in accessing necessary health treatments, offering comprehensive advice.

Social projects carried out

Curarse es estar bella
Curarse es estar bella

Curarse es estar bella. Muestra Fotografica para hacer sentir bellas a las mujeres en tratamiento de Cáncer

Usa tu tiempo
Usa tu tiempo

2020. Proyecto donde se benefició a los Cadies del Club Campestre de Pereira a tener una fuente de ingresos durante la pandemia por medio de la creación de un taller de manualidades con el fin de vender las mismas para recaudar recursos.

Movimiento cruce al tigre
Movimiento cruce al tigre

2018. Labor social realizada para proteger a los niños que cruzaban la avenida para llegar al colegio, donde se corría un alto riesgo de ser atropellados.

Desfile del Sublime
Desfile del Sublime

2016 Evento realizado para recaudar fondos para Casita Utepitos, una guardería universitaria para que las estudiantes embarazadas puedan seguir estudiando.

Colombia agradece

2014. Desfile para recaudar fondos para Deportistas con Cáncer realizado junto a fotografías y diseños de Alejandra Victoriana Ramírez.


2013. Evento donde se realizó un cena con diferentes chefs y subasta de obras de arte con el fin de realizar donaciones a la Liga Contra el Cáncer

Yo digo NO al cáncer de testiculo
Yo digo NO al cáncer de testiculo

2011. Evento donde la agrupación musical Identidad Vallenata se vinculó para la realización de un evento con el fin de recaudar fondos para operar de manera gratuita a jóvenes con cáncer de testículo.

Tell us your case

At BoraMedic we are interested in supporting you with both professional medical care and complete support; Therefore, we want to know how we can do it.
Proyecto social

A specialist can review your case

Do you need a specialist to examine your case and review your medical history?
At BoraMedic we offer you a specialized medical consultation service.